Delivery Services in Florida, New York, NJ, PA, GA

Courier Services


We offer many courier service options that fill all your delivery needs. From our same day exclusive driver dedicated services to servicing your needs around the country.. Courier services is what we do best, allowing you to concentrate on what you do best.


All of Florida Next Day

For One Low Rate

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Courier Services and Delivery Solutions is what we do best

M I Courier provides a comprehensive range of logistics solutions for businesses, which can be customised to support your operations. Whether you are a small business, corporation or government department, we can drive growth with our professional one-stop shop logistics solutions.



With our award-winning customer service and technology. We not only have the basics, but our organization provides custom services tailored to every industry/client’s delivery need. Our courier services and experiences are applicable to the following industries:

Pharmacies of all types
CBD / Dispensaries
Durable Medical Equipment
Office Supply
Professional Services

Other Healthcare providers
Automotive & Industrial
Retail Meal kits
Health & Nutrition

Learn how our custom software delivery solutions can benefit you.

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